What is a casino roulette?
Roulette means a spinning wheel, where numbers 0 to 36 are displayed on the swivel board with 37 to 38 numbers against a red, black, and green background, and the dealer turns the swivel and rolls the ball in the opposite direction to match the number that the swivel rolled up when it stopped. The game method is so simple that even beginners can easily access it, and it is only played by luck, so people who want to test their luck usually play roulette.
How to play Roulette
Roulette’s betting options include 0 to 36 number selection bets, matching red/black against the background of the number, odd/even bets, and 1 to 12/13 to 24/25 to 36 intervals bets. The game method is to select the betting option that the players want, and when the time is over, the dealer turns the rotating board and rolls the ball to win the number or background color that the ball stops.
Roulette betting terms and dividends
● Straight Bet = Bet 1 number. (35x)
● Split Betting = Bet between two numbers. Bet on 2 number lines (17x)
● Street Betting = 3 numbers. Bet on one end line of 3 compartments (11 times)
● Square, Quarter, and Corner Betting = 4 numbers. Bet on the intersection where four numbers meet (8x)
● Line Betting = Bet 6 numbers. Bet on the intersection where six number lines meet (5x)
● Column Betting = If you select 2to1, bet the entire line. (2x)
● Dozen betting = If you select 1st12, bet between 1 and 12/13 and 24/25 to 36 sections. (2x)
● High & Low Betting = Low if the number stopping is from 1 to 18, and 19 to 36 are High (1x)
● Even&Odd Betting = Even if the number that stops is even or odd is odd. (1x)
● Red & Black Betting = Bet where the background of a stopped number is red or black. (1x)